Combat Dry Skin Effectively

Low humidity and dry climates can make for better hair days, but it can wreak havoc on your skin. Dry skin can be a result of poor diet, climate, and aging. As we age, some of the functions that keep our body looking youthful, slow down. Someone in their 20’s cell’s turnover at a rate of 28 days, someone in their 40’s, 45 days. When your skin is dry, its ability to regenerate slows down even more. Living in a high dry climate, like Colorado, makes it even harder. With little to no moisture in the air, dry skin is a daily battle. Obviously, drinking more water, and laying off alcohol and cigarettes can help dry skin internally, but externally, there are a lot of options.

Regular facials can aid dry skin, by exfoliating the skin at a deeper level. Getting rid of the dead skin cells and pushing peptides and growth factors deeper into the skin can help your body generate that much needed collagen and elastin, promoting youthful and more moisturized skin.

Product technology has come a long way, and chemical peels can yield amazing results. You might peel a little, or a lot depending on the protocol your esthetician recommends, but every flake is worth it. Those flakes give way to new cell turnover! This creates younger, firmer and more moisturized skin.  This option is much cheaper than lasers and often has a lot less downtime.  We are a Med Spa, so that allows us to use more powerful ingredients that normal spas cannot use.

Another great dry skin warrior is Epidermal Leveling also known as Dermaplaning. This non-invasive technique works by removing the skin’s top layer to restore a smoother, more youthful appearance. Epidermal Leveling not only removes dead, dry skin cells, but it also eliminates fine facial hair and stimulates new cell growth. Although scrubs and microdermabrasion exfoliate well, few of them remove the vellous hairs (peach fuzz) on the face. The risk of scarring is significantly less with Epidermal Leveling than with laser treatments. Epidermal Leveling is also more cost effective than chemical peels or laser treatments.  Serums and creams can now penetrate deeper, with little to no down time.

The right home care is crucial. You can’t use the same products you would use in a humid climate. Dry skin, in a high, dry climate requires a little more maintenance. Hyaluronic Acid, Peptides, and Growth Factor serums are just some of the options that can make a huge difference to your dry skin in this climate. Regular exfoliation at home is one of the most important things you can incorporate into your dry skin routine. Enzymes built into masks that you can use 3-4 times a week, work hard to dissolve your dry, dead skin. Getting rid of that dry skin using the enzymes regularly allows your serums and creams to penetrate your skin at a deeper layer.  Enzymes can be used for every kind of skin type. Your esthetician can tailor a regimen for you that will create amazing results.

Dry skin will only get worse as we get older, especially in this climate. It is never too late to start a good skincare regimen.

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